TD Bank Ballpark
Bridgewater, NJ
Review by Mike
TD Bank Ballpark is the home of the Somerset Patriots of the Eastern League. Somerset's Ballpark falls right into line with the late-90s breed of minor league ballparks that were built around the Northeast. A nice, comfortable seating bowl with the concourse at the top and luxury boxes above the concourse. The exterior is an attractive brick with nice landscaping and some architectural interest by way of arches and such.

The park is clean and very attractive, but they made things a little too spacious. The concourse is much wider than it needs to be which pushes the concessions way back, thus defeating the idea of watching the game while standing on line. On the flip side of this, they had so many registers and people working them that their were no lines.

My main gripe about the park is the size of the foul territory. It is really big. The seats are much farther from the field than former Atlantic League contemporaries in Bridgeport and Newark. Other than that there is nothing to complain about. A very nice, if not entirely memorable ballpark.