Regency Furniture Stadium
Waldorf, MD
Review by Gary
Nestled in what was once Waldorf, Maryland farm land, Regency Furniture Stadium has gone from a shiny new stadium sitting all alone in the middle of rural southern Maryland to the focal point of a community of new homes, shopping and schools. As members of the independent Atlantic League, the Blue Crabs always draw well and field competitive teams. In 2023, the Southern Maryland Senators of the Cal Ripken Sr. Collegiate Baseball League also took up residence here. The stadium is great place to see a game while the kids play on the myriad of non-baseball accoutrements around the periphery of the park. Rock walls, a basketball court beyond the left field fence and a huge paddleboat pool ensure that the youngsters will never be bored at the ballgame, or perhaps even see it.

From the outside, Regency Furniture Stadium looks somewhat nondescript, but I later learned that the sloping red roofs are a nod to region's tobacco barns of the past. The stadium’s interior design has been used in other Atlantic League cities such as Lancaster and York, but there are unique touches like the high home-run wall with its inset manual scoreboard and the infield-facing seats down both foul lines. These seats face home plate instead of second base, so the action on the infield is right in front of you.

I love that the park is home to the ‘Crustacean Nation’ and there are many crabby-themed details around the park, but not the mascot. Pinch, as this nondescript blue fuzzy is known, looks nothing like anything to do with crabs or any sea creature other than his name. It’s just a Muppet in a Crabs jersey found in the back room of the used mascot store. Still, Pinch is always in the stands and the kids love him!

There are 4,200 seats at Regency Furniture Stadium with room for almost twice as many more on the grassy knoll that extends from the right field pole to centerfield. Add the numerous Standing Room places on the wooden ramp that leads from the left field covered Crabfest Picnic Pavilion down and over the Crabby Cove Paddle Boat lagoon to centerfield and the park can pack them in to see a game or one of the many concerts held here throughout the season. The park is off the beaten track, but is certainly a nice place to see a game if you’ve spent your day travelling the historic escape route of Lincoln’s assassin or on a lighthouse road trip along the southern Maryland coastline.


Gary Brown has just connected on his 8th home run of the season, as told by the scoreboard in right field. After Mike snapped this photo, he retrieved the ball from beyond the left field fence. It now sits proudly on the windowsill of his office. If Gary Brown would like to have the ball, just let Mike know...